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Manzoni artists shit

Beuys: Dürer...

Moon- and Sun elements from the Vitrine in Stuttgart States Gallery

Anselm Kiefer - The world ash

1 Piero Manzoni: Artist’s Shit | Mu"vész szar, 1961
2 / 3Joseph Beuys: "Dürer, I guide Baader ++ Meinhof personally through the documenta V" & "Moon and sun elements" from the vitrine in the Beuys room in the States Gallery Stuttgart
4 Anselm Kiefer: The world ash

Peter Haury

artists shit: Probably many think of doing this as a multiple, but I also would like to do it again and again in the most orthodox way as possible.

Beuys, Dürer...:
There exists already a Fragment of a multiple done by me, it is felt shoes to wear above street shoes in Museum castles, not to damage the floor, inside is fat and dry rose sticks. The signs, you see in the image, are destroyed, because I needed the material later for another purpose.

Beuys, Moon and sun elements from the Vitrines in the Beuys room in the states gallery Suttgart:
I just visited the room, which was completely arranged by Beuys personally, when States Gallery was built. I think they made a contract with him, which prohibites to change anything in this arrangement. So I think it is impossible for them to lend the vitrines to other exhibitions, remove them etc., which is a good thing, too, I think.
I didnt find any reproduction image of the vitrines or the Elements in them, neither in their own publications, nor in the internet, so I draw them into my scetch book just today. I also send an image of a similar vitrine in Tate Gallery, London

I like very much and chose as you see on my drawing
- a coffee spoon, covered with wax
- a piece of card-board, used as a tool, to pour wax
- a broom, used too hard on one side
- a opium blossom/seed capsula in fat sockle

Anselm Kiefer: World Ash | Világ hamu

This painting is in the Stuttgart States Gallery also, I know it from my youth and for years loved it with a misunderstanding of the title in mind, because I mixed up ash with ass, so you see my personal connection with the Manzoni in a way. But when years ago I noticed my mistake, I didnt stop liking the work.
There exists a reproduction in the new catalogue of the states gallery, but I dont posess this, so I send you an image of a similar painting of Kiefer. The world ash is more dark, there is straw and burned pieces of wood arranged on it. It is about 3 on 4 Metres big.

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