Oberwelt e.V.
Reinsburgstrasse 93 D 70197 Stuttgart Tel. + Fax: +49 711 6150013 kontakt[at]oberwelt.de www.oberwelt.de

Präsentation in der Galerie Aula
Dokumentations-Parcours der Aktionsfahrt "shipping closer" von 12 Oberwelt-Aktiven mit neun Haltepunkten auf der Strecke von Stuttgart nach Brno

Präsentationsbereich einer Auswahl von aktuellen Oberwelt-Künstlern und -projekten aus dem Programm

Präsentationsbereich von Arbeiten, die für Brno gemacht und mitgegeben wurden.

Marc Olbrich: Beering closer. Objekt, Anleitung

Thomas Ulm: Patrizia & Igor (Ausschnitt)

Kathrin Wörwag: Inszenierung des Duplikats eines bei Humpolec aus dem Bus geworfenen Koffers

Ellen Rein: Grundstein für shipping closer unter dem Schaufenster von Oberwelt
Stopp Weinsberg während shipping closer:
Spammuseum: Applikation von Spam

U!!i Berg: Lesung aus Erica Pedretti
Jörg Buchmann lernt tschechisch per Audio-Sprachkurs (Haltepunkt Weinsberg)

Uwe Schäfer: Strauß für die Pingwelt Oberpong Suppenküche

Dein Klub / Wurfklon: Dreharbeiten für die Gitterszene von "Down to Wetland"

Proben zum Brno-Oberwelt-song auf der Fahrt

Stopp Raststätte Oberfränkische Alb:
Spammuseum: Applikation von Spam

Stopp Rozvadov / Grenze:
Julia Wenz: erstmalige Präsentation eines Reisepasses mit Künstlernamen Vaclava / Wenzl

Köperl/Winkler: Tausch von schönen einmaligen Dingen (Kugelschreiber/Festivalbändchen)

Jens Hermann: OberweltArtShipping: An jedem Haltepunkt Aussetzen jeweils einer Katze in einer Schachtel mit Hinweisen zu Schrödingers Katzengleichnis und einer UPS-Empfängerbestätigungs-Sprachregelung über den möglichen Erhalt einer Sendung

Kurt Grunow singt an jedem Halt Franz Schuberts "Du holde Kunst" und fordert die Mitreisenden auf, ihn ab dem zweiten Halt dabei entweder zu unterstützen oder zu stören

Kurt Grunow während "Disturbance"
Kurt Grunow während "Disturbance"

Spammuseum: Applikation von Spam

Stopp Plzen: Ausführung der Handlungsanweisung von Rüdiger Scheiffele "Substitute": Trinken eines Pilses in Pilsen mit symbolischer Zutat von Bilsenkraut aus ausgeschnittener Flaschenabbildung
Stopp Myto: Spammuseum
Jens Hermann: Katzendeponierung

Eröffnung Brno: Oberweltsong der Oberweltband:
Stuttgart and Brno-leave it and arrive

Kurt Grunow: Überreichung des Play off Wanderpokals an die Galerie Aula

Uwe Schäfer: Pingwelt Oberpong Suppenküche

Jörg Buchmann: "Something": Aufforderung, Seifenblasen schweben zu lassen

Rüdiger Scheiffele: Installation der Handlungsanweisung "Substitute"

Thomas Ulm: Patrizia & Igor (Ausschnitt)

Thomas Ulm: Patrizia & Igor (Ausschnitt)
Präsentation zum Stopp in Myto:
Jens Hermann OAS, Verschenken eines Oberwelt-boden-kissens an ein Kind, Pia von Aulock: stencil "Liebe, Laska, Amor" (rechts) u. a.

Ausschnitt aus Oberwelt-Programm-Auswahl:
Fredrik Lindqvist, Rüdiger Scheiffele, Elke Hammelstein, Ayumi Matsuzaka

Apparatus 22: As Good as Gold. Objekt und Verweis auf Kilobase

Präsentation von Fredrik Lindqvist
shipping closer

Oberweltkünstler/innen und -mitglieder

(english)Oberwelt zu Gast in der Aula Galerie in der tschechischen Partnerstadt Brünn (Brno)

Im Rahmen eines Austauschprojektes fährt Oberwelt auf Einladung der Stadt und der Fakultät der Bildenden Künste mit einem gecharterten Bus nach Brünn.

Zentrales Konzept ist die Entstehung eines Kunst-Aktions-Pfades zwischen den beiden Partnerstädten.

13 Oberweltkünstler/innen und -mitglieder halten an fünf zuvor ausgewählten Haltepunkten im Laufe der Bus-Anfahrt (Autobahn-Route über Nürnberg – Pilsen – Prag (Umfahrung Süd) – Brünn) um künstlerische Arbeiten gemäß den Handlungsanweisungen ihrer jeweiligen UrheberInnen zu installieren oder zu performen.

In der Galerie Aula wird die Dokumentation dieses Prozesses in einer gemeinschaftlichen Installation präsentiert.
Die "Kunst auf der Strecke" soll auch über Panoramio bei Google-Earth öffentlich einsehbar dokumentiert werden.

Außerdem wird das Ausstellungs- und Künstlermitgliederprofil von Oberwelt mit individuellen Beiträgen beispielhaft angedeutet.

Es fahren nach Brünn: U!!i Berg, Jörg Buchmann, Kurt Grunow, Elke Hammelstein, Peter Haury, Iris Hellriegel, Jens Hermann, Stephan Köperl, Marc Olbrich, Ellen Rein, Uwe Schäfer, Julia Wenz und Sylvia Winkler

Sie nehmen Beiträge mit von Apparatus 22, Pia von Aulock, Heike Ehrath, Fredrik Lindqvist, Ayumi Matsuzaka, Wolfgang Neumann, Stefanie Reling, Rüdiger Scheiffele, Edition Randgruppe, Thomas Ulm und Kathrin Wörwag

Zur Eröffnungsnacht lädt neben anderen performativen Beiträgen auch Dein Klub die Öffentlichkeit ein, beim Nachdreh von "Titanic" von James Cameron mitzuspielen. Der kleine Raum, in dem dies stattfindet, repräsentiert die Abstellkammer von Oberwelt. Dort finden diese lippensynchronen Dreharbeiten seit Jahren mit bis heute über tausend Darsteller/innen in ständig wechselnden Rollen statt.

Im Gegenzug sind im Dezember vier tschechische Künstler/innen in der Oberwelt zu Gast, unter dem Titel "World Wide Waldeinsamkeit"

Eröffnung in der Aula Galerie, Brünn: Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014, 19.00 Uhr
Ausstellung bis 9. November

Laudatio zur Weitergabe des Oberwelt-Play-Off-Wanderpokals der Freien Klasse München an die Galerie Aula durch Kurt Grunow:

October 29th, 2014
Kurt Grunow / Oberwelt e.V. Stuttgart

Looking at artwork in terms of a sportive enterprise is a simple but true viewpoint for all
participants in the art world. Constant trial and training, always continuing in the pursuit of self defined aims, overcoming failures but as well working in a mode of respect, fairness and team spirit - these are related aspects I am thinking of.
In 2008 the „Play Off Challenge Cup“ was awarded to Oberwelt by the „Free Class
Munich“ (FCM) during their solo exhibition in Oberwelt, Stuttgart. The art group FCM was founded in 1987 at the Munich Kunstakademie as an association of officially enrolled art students who managed successfully pursue their interdisciplinary studies without the influence of any particular professor or being restricted to only one metier like painting or sculpture. Inspired by the free class idea a lot of students in art academies in Europe in the early 90ies followed this example and founded free classes in Berlin, Braunschweig, Dublin, Helsinki, Kopenhagen, Stuttgart and Vienna. FCM still exists although many years have passed since they graduated from Munich Art Academy.
Free Class Munich were the first to receive the Challenge Cup during a group exhibition called „Play Off“ in 1988 at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin. The donator and founder of the Play Off Challenge Cup remains unknown - the trophy suddenly appeared from nowhere like a mythic treasure.
Receiving the cup unquestionably means a good measure of fame, distinction and glamour for the owner. However, the achievements for which it will be awarded are in no way pre-defined. This makes it an eminently independent trophy. Should we call it „freedom trophy“?
The English word „challenge cup“ is maybe not a precise translation for the German word „Wanderpokal“ which is the original title of the object. The German term „Wanderpokal“ literally translated means „travelling trophy“. This refers to the fact that with each new competition the trophy is passed on from its current owner to the new winner. The process of passing the cup from one person to the next is the most important thing - more important than the competitional aspect (which is stressed a bit more in the English expression).
Anyway, the more stations the challenge cup / Wanderpokal passes through, the more its quality gets defined. We personally think that the first three stations which the cup already passed stand for a particularly high and independent quality in art and we wish that this quality will persist and develop further on such high level. For this reason we are convinced that the Galerie Aula represented by Jana Pisarikova is worth to receive the cup.
We hope you like it and that when the time comes you will find a successor for the cup you are happy with, too. Feel free to organize a competition or any other game for passing it to someone new.

Oberwelt artists and members in Brno

shipping closer

Oberwelt is a guest of Galerie Aula in the Czech city of Brno, sister city of Stuttgart.
As part of an exchange project and at the invitation of the city and the faculty of fine arts, Oberwelt will travel by chartered Bus to Brno.

The central idea is to create an ‘art action trail’ between the two sister cities

13 Oberwelt artists and members will stop off at five previously chosen destinations along the bus route (autobahn Nuremberg – Pilsen – Prague (bypass south) – Brno) where they will install or perform artworks based on the instructions of the respective artists

Documentation of this process will be exhibited in a collaborative installation at Galerie Aula. It is also planned to publish documentation of ‘Kunst auf der Strecke’ (Art on Track) on Google Earth’s Panoramio
In addition, Oberwelt’s exhibition programme and member profile will be represented by individual contributions.

Going to Brno: U!!i Berg, Jörg Buchmann, Kurt Grunow, Elke Hammelstein, Peter Haury, Iris Hellriegel, Jens Hermann, Stephan Köperl, Marc Olbrich, Ellen Rein, Uwe Schäfer, Julia Wenz und Sylvia Winkler

Taking contributions by Apparatus 22, Pia von Aulock, Heike Ehrath, Fredrik Lindqvist, Ayumi Matsuzaka, Wolfgang Neumann, Stefanie Reling, Rüdiger Scheiffele, Edition Randgruppe, Thomas Ulm und Kathrin Wörwag

Alongside other performance projects on the opening night, Dein Klub will invite the public to make an appearance in its remake of James Cameron’s ‘Titanic’. The small room used for the film shooting represents the store room at Oberwelt. This is the location where the lip-synchronised remake has been shot over several years with over 1000 actors to date in constantly changing roles.

In exchange, four Czech artists will exhibit at Oberwelt in December under the title ‘World Wide Waldeinsamkeit

Opening at Aula Gallery Brno: Wednesday 29th October 2014, 7pm
Exhibition till 9th Novembe

October 29th, 2014
Kurt Grunow / Oberwelt e.V. Stuttgart

Looking at artwork in terms of a sportive enterprise is a simple but true viewpoint for all
participants in the art world. Constant trial and training, always continuing in the pursuit of self defined aims, overcoming failures but as well working in a mode of respect, fairness and team spirit - these are related aspects I am thinking of.
In 2008 the „Play Off Challenge Cup“ was awarded to Oberwelt by the „Free Class
Munich“ (FCM) during their solo exhibition in Oberwelt, Stuttgart. The art group FCM was founded in 1987 at the Munich Kunstakademie as an association of officially enrolled art students who managed successfully pursue their interdisciplinary studies without the influence of any particular professor or being restricted to only one metier like painting or sculpture. Inspired by the free class idea a lot of students in art academies in Europe in the early 90ies followed this example and founded free classes in Berlin, Braunschweig, Dublin, Helsinki, Kopenhagen, Stuttgart and Vienna. FCM still exists although many years have passed since they graduated from Munich Art Academy.
Free Class Munich were the first to receive the Challenge Cup during a group exhibition called „Play Off“ in 1988 at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin. The donator and founder of the Play Off Challenge Cup remains unknown - the trophy suddenly appeared from nowhere like a mythic treasure.
Receiving the cup unquestionably means a good measure of fame, distinction and glamour for the owner. However, the achievements for which it will be awarded are in no way pre-defined. This makes it an eminently independent trophy. Should we call it „freedom trophy“?
The English word „challenge cup“ is maybe not a precise translation for the German word „Wanderpokal“ which is the original title of the object. The German term „Wanderpokal“ literally translated means „travelling trophy“. This refers to the fact that with each new competition the trophy is passed on from its current owner to the new winner. The process of passing the cup from one person to the next is the most important thing - more important than the competitional aspect (which is stressed a bit more in the English expression).
Anyway, the more stations the challenge cup / Wanderpokal passes through, the more its quality gets defined. We personally think that the first three stations which the cup already passed stand for a particularly high and independent quality in art and we wish that this quality will persist and develop further on such high level. For this reason we are convinced that the Galerie Aula represented by Jana Pisarikova is worth to receive the cup.
We hope you like it and that when the time comes you will find a successor for the cup you are happy with, too. Feel free to organize a competition or any other game for passing it to someone new.

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